
This script creates an image gallery index. This can be used for all kind of image links (not just to pages with galleries). An example is shown below.

How it works

The image gallery index works like the image gallery.


    .image-gallery-index {overflow: auto; margin-left: -1%!important;}
    .image-gallery-index a {float: left; display: block; margin: 0 0 1% 1%; width: 19%;}
    .image-gallery-index a img {width: 100%; display: block;}
    .image-gallery-index a .caption {display: block; text-align: center; padding-top: 2px;}

<p class="image-gallery-index">{% for item in page.galleries %}<a href="{{ item.url }}" title="{{ item.title }}"><img src="//{{ site.url | replace: 'http://','' | replace: 'https://','' }}{{ item.image }}&w=300&h=300&output=jpg&q=50&t=square" /><span class="caption">{{ item.title }}</span></a>{% endfor %}</p>

Note that the images are being resized and served by



Step 1. Download the file image-gallery-index.html
Step 2. Save the file in the ‘_includes’ directory of your project
Step 3. Add the following line to your layout on the place where you want the image gallery index to appear:

{% if page.galleries %}{% include image-gallery-index.html %}{% endif %}

Step 4. Add the following front matter to the page where you want the image gallery index to appear:

  - title: Link to homepage
    image: /uploads/album/1.jpg
    url: /
  - title: Link to image gallery
    image: /uploads/album/2.jpg
    url: /without-plugin/image-gallery